
Over 99% of convenience stores in the U.S. sell cigarettes. 99.6% sell other tobacco products. And 92% have tobacco ads on display. That's a lot of 9's to say: convenience stores sure seem to be crazy about cigarettes.

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Source 1:

1. Cigarettes Generate Big Revenue for Convenience Stores: Analysis of 2013 State of the Industry Report. The Center for Tobacco Policy & Organizing http://center4tobaccopolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Cigarettes-Generate-Big-Revenue-September-2013.pdf 2. Feighery, E. C., Ribisl, K. M., Schleicher, N. C., & Clark, P. I. (2004). Retailer participation in cigarette company incentive programs is related to increased levels of cigarette advertising and cheaper cigarette prices in stores. Prev Med, 38(6), 876-884.

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