In 1989, millions of cases of imported fruit were banned after a small amount of cyanide was found in just two grapes. There's 33 times more cyanide in a single cigarette than was found in both of those grapes.
"Economic Policy: Interest Rates Are Kept High." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. 16 Feb. 1989. Report.
Kazman, Sam."When Chemophobia Ruled the Land." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. June 1993. News Article.
"April Risk Assessment: Low Through Out the Country." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. 17 Mar. 1989. Note.
Mejia, John. "A Year After Grape Scare, Chilean Fruit Sales Thrive." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. 05 Mar. 1990. Article.
Hoffman, Diertrich, Ilse Hoffman, and Karen El-Bayoumy. "The Less Harmful Cigarette: A Controversial Issue. A Tribute to Ernst L. Wynder." Chemical Research in Toxicology. The American Chemical Society, 28 June 2001. 14 (7): 767–90. Web.