Fact Fact Fact Tobacco companies actually went to court to fight for the right to keep tobacco advertising near high schools. They won. Congrats, Big Tobacco! 3 Reactions Source: "Lorillard Tobacco Co., et al., Petitioners v. Thomas F. Reilly, Attorney General of Massachusetts; Altadis U.S.A. Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Thomas F. Reilly, Attorney General of Massachuetts." Supreme Court of the United States. 00-596, 00-597. 2000. Court Brief. See all +less − Legal Age, Advertising
Fact Fact Fact In 1989, one tobacco company's ideas for reaching minority customers included to "be seen as a friend," "build on black history," and "help them find jobs." 1 Reactions Source: "Salem Black Initiative Program Brand Team Ideation Session." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. 03 Aug. 1989. Report. See all +less − Advertising, Profiling
Fact Fact Fact In 1996, a major tobacco company planned to boost cigarette sales by targeting homeless people. They called their plan"Project SCUM: Sub Culture Urban Marketing." 24 Reactions Source: "Project Scum." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. 02 Dec. 1995. 1-9. Report. See all +less − Advertising, Profiling
Fact Fact Fact A tobacco company once gave $125,000 worth of food to a charity, according to an estimate by The Wall Street Journal. Then, they spent well over $22 million telling people about it. I guess when you sell a deadly, addictive product, you need all the good PR you can get. 2 Reactions Source: Branch, Shelly. "Philip Morris' Ad on Macaroni and Peace - Kosoco Tale Narrows Gap Between Philanthropy, Publicity." Truth Tobacco Industry Documents. 24 Jul. 2001. Article. See all +less − Advertising
Fact Fact Fact In 2006, a judge ruled that Big Tobacco had been engaged in a 50-year-long scheme to deceive the public about the dangers of smoking. Lies suck too. 1 Reactions Source: "Judge rules against Big Tobacco." CNN Money. 18 Aug. 2006. Web. "Final Opinion." United States District Court for the District of Columbia. 17 Aug. 2006. 1-4, 219, 259, 293, 330, 479, 655, 819, 1397. Print. See all +less − Advertising
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